The Beausandver Trust
Students only take a subject at Beaumont or Verulam where they do not all fit at Sandringham, so most take all lessons at Sandringham.
We have worked in partnership with Beaumont and Verulam for over 20 years and this arrangement means that we can offer a very wide selection of subject choices and combinations which is unrivalled by schools in the local area. Students are sometimes worried about taking one subject at another school, but they greatly enjoy it after settling in. The timetable is arranged in blocks to ensure a minimal amount of movement between schools and minibuses take students between the schools during the school day for free. There is rigorous quality assurance between the schools to ensure that all subjects are taught at the same high standard and the Directors of Sixth Form and Sixth Form Administrators meet very regularly to ensure close cohesion and monitor all consorting students.
Visit the BSV website here.