Clubs & Extracurricular
Sandringham School has a wide range of extracurricular clubs ranging from a variety of sporting activity to art and drama clubs.
Sandringham strive to offer opportunities for every student to participate in some form of Extra Curricular enrichment at Sandringham. As a result, we have a varied range of exciting clubs that is always changing to ensure students have the very best opportunities outside of the classroom. Our enrichment offering is managed through the SOCS System.
The start date for each club can be viewed on SOCS.
Administration of Clubs is via SOCS which enables the ability to diarise each student’s unique Academic and Extra Curricular schedules. Students (and parents) are able to add themselves to clubs and see the opportunities available to them as well as viewing their weekly timetable. Staff can also add students to clubs and it may be from time to time that a session will appear for a student to attend. This system allows us to monitor closely the whole school’s involvement in these opportunities, as well as reward them with house points for their involvement. It is also another great way for parents to monitor their son / daughter’s participation in all school activity.
Accounts have been created for the whole school community. Students will be receiving details of this in school and parents have the opportunity to access this using the email address that the school currently holds on file. This short presentation has been created to help parents sign up and access their child’s portal.
Whats on ?
To find out more, see times, locations and year group offerings please click on the area of interest below.