Assessment and Feedback
One of the areas of research at Sandringham over the past year has been on the area of feedback and assessment, and in particular, determining what type and frequency of feedback will lead to most progress for children.
The aim of assessment and feedback at Sandringham is it supports student progress, builds learning, addresses misunderstandings and closes the gap between where a student is and where their teachers want them to be. Assessment and feedback are a crucial part of great teaching and learning.
The specific methods of assessment and feedback should be those considered by the Director of Learning (DoL) and the teacher to be most appropriate for the specific curriculum being taught. For example, research shows that verbal feedback and carefully managed peer and self-assessment are an important part of securing progress, as well as written marking of books, folders and online work. Setting specific and actionable targets and giving learners time to consider and respond to these are also key findings. The importance of students digesting and then acting upon feedback to subsequently improve their learning has been the basis of our ‘ReAct’ policy for a number of years.
We have also been working closely with the Department for Education on the area of teacher workload. The Secretary of State and Ofsted have spoken of their expectation of a balanced approach that secures student progress and also removes unnecessarily burdensome marking that is ineffective.
In consideration of these developments, Sandringham School has an Assessment and Feedback policy which provides more details on our approach to feedback and assessment. Marking will be driven by teacher professional judgement and be “meaningful, manageable and motivating.” Our approach of target setting using the “ReAct” keyword will continue, meaning that students should always know what they are doing well in a subject and what they need to do to improve. Furthermore, each subject has outlined what you can expect at each Key Stage.
Parents can continue to be informed by looking for set assessments in books, folders or on Google Classroom that will contain reviews of progress and targets to improve learning. You are also encouraged to ask your child how they are doing. A recent change to our reporting structure means that children will now receive subject specific comments in the autumn term. This will provide them with feedback on their progress so far, and actionable targets that they can work towards, and reflect on in their Spring Parent Teacher Consultations.
Please find the detailed policy below:
The video below contains an explanation of the wider advice from the Department for Education from Secretary of State, Damien Hinds, and HM Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman.