Student Services
Student Services is located in D block. We are open from 8.15am to 3.15pm daily.
The team consists of Mrs Francis (Student Services Manager), Ms Lovett (Student Services Administrator) and Mrs Neil (Attendance Officer) and they are the first point of call for any issues students may have.
Mrs Francis
- Locker keys
- Transport
- School shop
- C3 detentions
- Signing in late or leaving during the day
Mrs Foley/Mrs Neil
- First Aid/Illness
- Lost property
- 2nd Hand uniform
- Absence requests
- School counsellor
Late arrivals/ early departures
If a student arrives late to school, he or she must sign in at Student Services before going to lessons.
Any students leaving before the end of the school day for any reason must sign out at Student Services before they leave.
Students may only leave early if we have previously been advised by a parent by email:, telephone or letter. Alternatively, the student needs to have a signed note on them from a parent explaining the reasons. This note must be shown at Student Services when signing out.
Absences due to illness
If a student is absent or late due to illness, or an appointment, the parent must inform the school either by telephone on the Student absence line 01727 799564 before 9.15am. If the absence is due to an illness we must have a call on each subsequent day the student is absent or an email to A specific reason must be given for the absence. The absence line is a voice mail system only.
Leave of absence during term time
Headteachers no longer have the discretion to allow time for a family holiday or to agree to extended leave for parents/carers to visit their country of origin during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Taking children out of school during term time means they would be losing valuable school time at the expense of their education. If your child is absent from school because of a holiday, which has not been agreed, then this will be classified as an unauthorised absence and you may be fined or legal action taken against you. If you feel that the circumstances for an absence is exceptional than an application must be made to school, prior to any arrangements being made. School will then decide whether or not the absence can be authorised.
To request such an absence, please download the Leave of Absence Form and once completed send it to Student Services
We do ask that all students rent a locker each year as this enables valuable items such as mobile phones/electronic devices to be stored safely during the day. It also saves having to carry coats and heavy items round during the day e.g. PE kits or Food Technology ingredients. The charge is a non-refundable deposit of £5 per school year.
Lost property
All property brought into school must be clearly labelled. If a student loses anything they need to go to Student Services. If a named item is handed in, we will return it to the student during the school day. If an unnamed item is handed in, it is logged and kept for 2 weeks and then put in either the 2nd hand uniform shop or disposed of.
A small stock of 2nd hand uniform is kept at Student Services for students to purchase if required, the rest is given to ‘Friends of Sandringham School’ and sold at regular intervals.
Please find the price list for the 2nd hand uniform below.
School shop
We sell various items of stationary from the shop at Student Services, please see the price list below. We do expect students to have the correct equipment for each lesson.
Extended learning clubs
Our Extended Learning clubs are held at lunch times and after school in a variety of subjects for Year 7 to Year 11. Please follow the link to access the information.