SUSTAINABILITY NEWS Tree Planting starts today!
We are very excited about our first day of tree planting on today – Monday Novemeber 23rd. Tutor groups 7A, 7E, 7N, 7T will be planting trees in their geography lesson. Trees are really important! Here are some facts …
- UK forests currently cover 12% of our land area. This is very low compared to some of our European neighbours. For example, France and Germany have forest cover of 29% and 32% respectively. Of Europe’s total land area, forest cover makes up 47%.
- Trees are able to remove excess carbon dioxide (CO2) from our atmosphere and offer a significant contribution to reducing the impact of climate change.
- Trees are effective air filters. Some species, such as the London plane, are particularly resistant to air pollution and can help filter harmful pollutants by trapping them on their leaves and bark.
- Trees provide crucial habitat for much of the UK’s wildlife. Whether it’s for birds nesting in their canopies, small mammals making their homes in the root systems, or bats roosting in their trunks, trees are a vital part of our ecosystem.
- Trees provide wonderful benefits for both humans and the natural environment. Trees are the lungs of our cities. They’re the homes for our wildlife. They’re our guardians against flooding.
- Trees are vital to so many aspects of our life.
We hope that Sandringham can play a part in ensuring that the UK increases tree coverage, increasing the biodiversity on the school site and can play a part in combatting climate change!