Key Stage 4 Overview
At Sandringham, we offer a broad curriculum at Key Stage 4 with a wide choice of academic, creative and vocational courses. All students follow a ‘core’ curriculum consisting of Mathematics, English, Science, PE and Personal Development (RE/RSHE.) Within the compulsory core, students’ timetables are further personalised by being entered for Combined or Triple Science, and by being entered for BTEC or GCSE Dance or PE.
Alongside their core subjects, students are then able to select a maximum of 3 additional options subjects for study in Years 10 and 11. To preserve a core academic curriculum and in recognition of the high status accorded to Modern Foreign Languages by universities and employers, our expectation is that all students capable of achieving a good pass in GCSE French, German or Spanish study a language as one of their options choices. Students are also encouraged to consider either History or Geography as one of their two remaining choices, in order to attain the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc). The Key Stage 4 curriculum provides many opportunities for students to follow their interests and develop their strengths. Most of our students will progress to post-16 education at Sandringham and within the BSV Education Trust and follow A Level and equivalent subjects. Others will wish to move to college at 16, so it is important to plan ahead when considering subject choices at Key Stage 4. To help with this process we provide students with a range of support and guidance to help them make informed choices, including access to independent careers advice via YC Herts.
As students at Sandringham prepare for their GCSEs we offer a many layered approach to supporting them: A series of parental information evenings dealing with issues such as ‘Understanding curriculum content and application’; ‘How to support your child in their revision’ and ‘What’s new about GCSE?’ Regular updates for parents via email, the Sandprint and the website detailing information about curriculum developments and opportunities, additional support and revision sessions after school and in the holidays We work with students to support them in developing effective memory techniques with guidance from educational psychologist Dr Martijn van der Spoel We cover study and revision guidance including good study habits and effective time management through our suite of Life-long Learning sessions in Year 11 We offer regular after school and holiday revision and support sessions for all students and 1-2-1 tutoring, online tutoring and 6th form mentoring for some From January in Year 11, all students have the opportunity to have an academic mentor to provide bespoke support with revision, time management and focus on their up-coming exams Key Stage Four is a critical time for students to consider their future career pathways. To find out more about our extensive careers provision, please click here.Preparing for GCSE
Careers Advice