Our Team
The school has amazing leaders at all levels, who work both individually and collectively for the benefit of our students and their families.
The senior team balances roles that are both inward and outward facing. Some have roles entirely focussed on Sandringham, whereas others may have responsibilities that involve external activities.
The team members have complementary skills and experience that provides a powerful driving force for school improvement.
Alan Gray
BSc(Hons) (Chemistry, University of Exeter) MSc PGCE NPQH FRSA
Vision Ethos and Culture, Strategic Planning, School Performance, Capital Development / Environment, Staff Recruitment, Leadership Group, School Admissions, Staff Deployment, Staff References, Pay & Conditions, Policy Development, Staff Discipline / Grievance, Headship Networks, Chair AF ATSH, CEO AAT
Mark Nicholls
BA(Hons) (History, University of Leicester) (PGCE)
Day-to-day School Operations, Self Evaluation/PSI/SEF, Pre & post Ofsted Planning, Student voice, Strategic Site Development & Management, Lead AHs, Learning Environment, LG Meetings & Agendas, School Performance, Staff Appointments, Staffing, Personal development/RSHE, Ethos & Culture, School Calendar, Prospectus, Governor Link.
Caroline Creaby
BA(Hons) (Politics, Philosophy and Economics, University of Oxford) MEd (University of Cambridge) EdD (University of Cambridge) PGCE
Assessment internal / exams, Recording (data, marking), Reporting (reports, PTCs)
Intervention / catch-up, Learning visits / ELED, Target setting, DEI,
Work scrutiny, MIS (with MAL), Baseline assessment, Census and returns,
School performance data
Kate Mouncey
BSc(Hons) (Geography, University of Nottingham) MA PGCE
Curriculum delivery, Teaching & Learning, Professional Development, Reading & Literacy, Lead DoLs, Sustainability, Capitation, PLT, Link Governors, Business Links, KS3 Modules, KS4 Options, Home Based Learning.
Jo Cavanagh
BSc(Hons) (Chemistry, University of Wales) PGCE
Timetable, ECF/ECT, Professional Mentor /ITT, Staff Induction (Teachers), Staff Appraisal (Teachers), Staff handbook/Planner, Visitors to School, Coaching & Mentoring, Staff Absence/Cover, Learning Supervisors, STEM strategy.
Andrew Cracknell
BSc(Hons) (Geography, Loughborough University) QTS
Inclusion (PP), SEND, Student Leadership, Trips & Educational Visits, School Coaches / Transport, Prefects, SLT, High Starters, ELDs, EWeek
Thom Leat
BA(Hons) (Medieval and Modern History, University of Birmingham) PGCE
Director of 6th Form, Careers, Workload & Wellbeing, Alumni, Awards Evenings, Student Destinations, Visiting speakers, Oxbridge
Mark Allday
BSc(Hons) (Secondary Computer Science and Information Technology, Edge Hill University) (QTS)
Digital Learning Strategy, Behaviour & Attitudes (R&C), ePraise, Open Evening/events, Lead PDs, SMSC/School ethos/3Rs, Pastoral Review day, ELDs/EWeek, Comms & start/end term, Census & Returns, Network, Online safety/GDPR
School Publicity, Website / Digital Footprint
Athena Pitsillis
BA(Hons) (English, Queen Mary University of London) MA PGCE
Director of 6th Form, Careers, EDI, Alumni, Awards Evenings, Student Destinations, Visiting speakers, Oxbridge
Stuart Kemp
BSc(Hons) (Biology, University of Hertfordshire) QTS
Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Student wellbeing, Attendance and punctuality, Assemblies/TFTW, Primary liaison /relations, Designated Teacher CLA, External Agencies, Happiness/mental health, Healthy schools, Student Wellbeing,
SH&A / Racism / LGBT, Prize Giving Assemblies, Secondary transfer, Anti-bullying, Uniform
Emma Beaton
Emma Beaton BA (Hons) (Music, University of Bristol) PGCE
Responsible for: Primary-Secondary Curriculum Development
Neil Miller
Neil Miller BSc (Hons) (Geography Kingston University) MA QTS
Responsible for: Student Voice/Leadership, Staff Duties.
Mable is our school dog who lives with Mr Kemp and has been trained to be a therapy dog. She is a cockerpoo.
Marianna Ring
Lead School Business Management
Laura Dennis
School Finance, Staff payroll, Capital development/Site
HR Contracts, Support Staff, Appraisal (Support Staff), Capitation, Fo$$, Insurance, Hospitality, Pay & Conditions Support, Policies, Premises Staff, SCR, Staff Recruitment Process