We aim to deliver a Science curriculum which provides an understanding of the world through enquiry and the knowledge of scientific phenomena.
We want our students to appreciate the historic discoveries that shape the modern world, whilst inspiring them to make their own discoveries that may influence the future. We aim to instill a passion for science through investigative learning, allowing students to ask questions, explore problems and search for solutions using their own ingenuity. We deliver a broad curriculum that enables our students to explore, progress and master key knowledge in the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Key Stage 3
Students at Sandringham study a varied curriculum in Science that covers all three major disciplines, Biology, Chemistry & Physics, as well as the practical aspects of Science. They will have 3 hours per week to cover the National Curriculum content.
In Year 7 students will study
- Biology – Cells, Body Systems, Reproduction
- Chemistry – Behaviour of Particles, Atoms, Elements & Compounds, Reactivity, Acids and Alkalis
- Physics – Forces, Sound, Light, Space
In Year 8 students will study
- Biology – Health & Lifestyle, Ecosystems, Adaptation & Inheritance
- Chemistry – The Periodic Table, Separation Techniques, Metals & Acids, The Earth
- Physics – Electricity & Magnetism, Energy, Motion & Pressure
In Year 9 students study a bridging course which is an extension of the KS3 curriculum and a stretch up to GCSE Science. Students will start their GCSE courses in year 9 after this bridging course is complete.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum Maps
Key Stage 4 Curriculum Maps
Key Stage 5 Curriculum Maps
To access the Super Curriculum for this subject please visit the Super Curriculum page HERESuper Curriculum
Parents/Carers can support their child by checking they have completed home-based learning tasks, encouraging them to prepare for assessments and generally taking an interest in the fascinating topics they study in Science lessons. The Science area on Mysandstorm has a lot of useful information for both students and parent/carers, in addition to the wide range of resources available to them to support their learning. KS3 Science club STEM Club Year 12 Biology – field trip Various Science enrichment tripsHow parents/carers can support learning
Extra curricular activity
Useful Links