In Year Admissions
Please be aware the school is heavily oversubscribed and we do not currently have any vacancies.
In Year Application – All Years
In Year applications can only be made via Hertfordshire County Council at (Tel 0300 123 4043). It is unlikely we will be able to offer a place to your child as we rarely have any vacancies so s/he will then be placed on our Continuing Interest (CI) list for consideration until the end of the academic year in which the application was made. Following application if you wish to find out your child’s position on the list you can email the school at
Towards the end of the summer term all names are removed from the CI lists and the lists are closed. You will need to make a new In Year application for the next academic year if you wish your child to continue to be considered.
Year 6 children who have been unsuccessful in gaining a secondary transfer place will continue to be considered until the end of the summer term preceding their transition to secondary school. If parents wish their child to be considered for a place beyond this they will need to make an online In Year application for Year 7 (see above).
Any vacancies in Years 7-11 will be filled in accordance with our published oversubscription criteria as set out in our admissions criteria.
The Governors will comply with the locally agreed Fair Access Protocol to admit a vulnerable child who is hard to place, outside the normal round of admissions and in excess of our published admission numbers.