CV19 newsletter – Issue 23 – Tuesday 28th April 2020
Please find today’s Newsletter from the Executive Headteacher – CV19 newsletter – Issue 23 – Tuesday 28th April 2020
Please find today’s Newsletter from the Executive Headteacher – CV19 newsletter – Issue 23 – Tuesday 28th April 2020
Before the Easter break we announced our exciting new project ‘Our Quilt 2020’. We hope as many members of the community will get involved in making their own personal contribution of a stitched square to become part of our school community quilt when we are able to return to school. Students, parents, carers, grandparents, staff, governors….every member of our school community is welcome to participate in this project!
We have created an Instagram account where we will be posting details about sizing and materials, short tutorials about techniques and all things textiles related. As you begin to complete your work we will post it onto the account so we can all celebrate our ideas and achievements – more details to follow. Please click on the link below to see the first tutorial.
So, head on over to Instagram, follow @our_quilt_2020 for inspiration and ideas – see you there!
Mrs Button & Mrs Owens
Please find today’s newsletter from the Executive Headteacher – CV19 Newsletter Issue 22 & Virtual Learning Curriculum update – 24th
It’s time to get Active as a whole school!
The London Marathon alone, which should have taken place on Sunday 26 April, is the world’s biggest one-day fundraising event, which raised more than £66.4 million for thousands of charities in 2019.
Many of these charities have had to reduce or stop services at a time when vulnerable members of society need them most; thousands of staff have been placed on furlough and many charities will not survive the next few months. We have chosen to put all of the hard work and physical activity that our students and parents are all doing collectively to good use and support the Association of NHS Charities.
The idea is you pick any physical activity that is 2.6 related and get active. It could be running 2.6 miles, rowing 2.6 miles, completing 26 burpees with 26 friends in an online meeting, or even 26 cartwheels around the garden. Will anyone be brave or mad enough to run 26.2 miles around their garden? Whatever you want to do to contribute and help this important cause right now will be fantastic.
In order to track involvement and so we get an idea how everyone is challenging themselves if you could fill in the very short form here
Don’t forget to share what your doing with @SandringhamPE on twitter and donate at
Please find today’s newsletter from the Executive Headteacher : CV19 newsletter – Issue 21 – Tuesday 21st April 2020 – The next issue will now be Friday.
Please find today’s newsletter (and attachments) from the Executive Headteacher : CV19 newsletter – Issue 20 – Monday 20 April 2020
Please find a short newsletter from the Executive Headteacher in preparation for the new term. CV19 newsletter – Issue 19 – Friday 17 April 2020
Today, (Weds 15th April), alone, they have managed to produce a whopping 220 full face visors and 80 ear savers to be distributed along with the previous hundreds of pieces already delivered to frontline services. This batch will be making their way to local services the next few days. Well done and thank you Team DT. We are all incredibly proud of you. #teamDT #ThankYouNHS
Delighted to help our amazing NHS staff by donating 382 goggles and safety glasses to Watford General this week. Every little bit counts. Keep up the great work everyone.
Please find our second newsletter of the day from the Executive Headteacher which contains important information regarding Examinations. CV19 newsletter – Issue 18 – Friday 3 April 2020
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